Saturday 5 November 2011

Scottish Wildlife Animals

Scottish Wildlife Animals
Scottish Wildlife Animals Biography

In my earlier days, I was a physicist focussing in light and optics (focussing …optics… lenses … get it?) [I do think a good sense of humour is a great gift …but as my so called friends would say it’s a great pity I never received it!]
Apologies for the slight digression,  my point about physics is that everything we see can be broken down in colour particles, line and form. If you open your mind up enough you are able to see all the colours of the rainbow in practically everything around (especially after a few wee drams...  ahem...  so I’ve been told)
Every living thing has its own character, personality and colours which it displays in certain surroundings. My aim is to capture that personality and I find it in the eyes – wherein I believe lies the soul.   (yes I can be deep and intellectual sounding at times …. Just don’t quiz me on it)
I am very lucky individual, I have a great family and live in rural Perthshire which not only is abundant in wildlife but has a great river system providing fantastic places to fly fish (a girls got to relax after all that stressful painting ha ha) I mainly paint wildlife mainly but occasionally I have an urge to paint a human portrait which makes people avoid me like the plague until I find a suitable victim...sorry subject. I have tried self portrait but find it brings out my narcissistic tendencies and I put down the brush and start plucking my eyebrows.
 I do like to dabble in landscapes which usually happens following a visit to an art gallery but when my landscapes don’t “talk to me” the way I want them to I go back to painting animals.
Medium wise, I love soft pastels are they are so gentle and give a beautiful almost hazy finish, plus they are incredibly messy. Isn’t it amazing how many times you absently touch your face over a period of time? I always finish a painting session looking like I’m trying to audition as an extra in a second rate western with the amount of “war paint” I’m wearing.
 Scottish Wildlife Animals 
Scottish Wildlife Animals 
Scottish Wildlife Animals 
Scottish Wildlife Animals 
Scottish Wildlife Animals 
Scottish Wildlife Animals 
Scottish Wildlife Animals 
Scottish Wildlife Animals 
Scottish Wildlife Animals 
Dangerous wild animals & protecting the public - Moose in the Glen - BBC
 Scottish Wildlife Animals
Scotland's Tigers; Scottish wildcats DVD, Highlands wild cat

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